EffizienzCluster Management GmbH (ECM) is the agency of the cluster “EffizienzCluster LogistikRuhr”. It is a public-private partnership between Fraunhofer Gesellschaft, Initiativkreis Ruhr, and agiplan GmbH.
The EffizienzCluster LogistikRuhr (Leading-Edge Cluster) develops decentralized and autonomous logistics services along the entire value added chain. The key issues in the cluster include adaptable logistics systems, goods traffic management, and logistical organization expertise. The focus is on the optimization of logistics services with regard to the use of resources and energy. The Internet of Things, for example, simplifies material flow by means of RFID (Radio Frequency Identification).
120 companies and 11 research institutes constitute the cluster. Among them there is the Fraunhofer Institute for Material Flow and Logistics, the Technical University of Dortmund, the University of Duisburg-Essen, the corporations REWE, Deutsche Post and Deutsche Bahn, as well as numerous small and medium sized enterprises. In addition to developing the location’s leading global position in the field of logistics, the Leading-Edge Cluster aims to establish itself as a worldwide centre for the innovative design of high-quality logistics services. The Leading-Edge Cluster competition is intended to take Germany to the top of the league of technologically advanced nations.
The EffizienzCluster LogistikRuhr will establish itself as a worldwide acting centre for innovative design of high-quality and efficient services in logistics to create new workplaces and secure existing workplaces and economic successful and ecological and social responsible economic management.