CIOSTA, CIGR, EurAgEng, and Aarhus University organized the XXXV CIOSTA & CIGR V Conference in Vingsted Hotel- and Conference Centre, Billund, Denmark.
The CIOSTA conferences focused on the optimisation of bio-production management and work organisation based on system engineering approaches and innovative technologies.
From Effective to Intelligent Agriculture and Forestry
- Service robots in bio-production systems
- Field machinery management
- Traceability systems
- Biomass and agri-food supply chains
- Decision support systems
- System analysis and design
- Precision farming based operations planning
- Information management systems
- Processing, post-harvest technology
- Livestock management
- Labour, Ergonomics, Safety and Health
Special Sessions
- Green Supply Chains: A special session on Green Supply was organized with great success during the CIOSTA 2013 Conference. The session was in connection with the FP7 REGPOT Project: GREEN-AgriChains. The Special Session covered aspects of Green Supply Chain Management and Logistics targeted to the Agri-food and Biomass, production, handling, and distribution sectors and to issues relevant to sustainable farming, bio-waste management and reverse logistics, energy-efficient transportation, information and automation technologies that sustain a Green Supply Chain.
- Lego Mindstorms in bio-production operations: A special session on the implementation of Lego Mindstorms in simulation of field operations targeting to future robotic systems was also organized during the CIOSTA 2013 Conference.
Further information can be found on the website of the CIOSTA Conference on this link.